Been absent from the world for long enough I guess….Well….Jaundice is BAD!!! Never imagined that I’d be spending the last days of my B’School life eating “ Khichdi and boliled potatoes..!!!”…and that too when our oft - abused mess serves good food….really…ask me! whats been happening all thesedays...well...was down with jaundice, missed a couple of parties where rest of the guys had loads of fun while I was sitting alone in my room...wondering what to do next..:-( , missed 3 of my news that i passes in 2 subjected which i was earlier misinformed that i'd flunked...(Whew..!!!) the thought of studying Financial Management....that of handling Fin. Mgt by Prasanna Chandra had started giving me nightmares..
What's more...i got the first reply to my posts....which is what made me Happiest...that people read all the nonsense i put up...thnx dear friend...
well...that's pretty much the jist of what is happening in my life thesedays....