Funny how one thing can affect our lives so completely....when its not there....we dont miss it ( not exactly...;-) ...just keep fantacising), but when its's bliss, you are all forgiving, the world is so much better...But when things are Not-So-Good....everything seems to be such a waste, people appear to be insensitive and uncaring, nothing seems to be going right, in short, life does not seem to be worth living..!!Unlike the past few days, my life's beautiful, and my days are sunny....and It Feels Sooooo Goooddd.......
Hhhmmm…. Starting the post with a quick update. The worst thing that could have happened to me, took place on the fateful evening of 27 th June, when the office order for change in existing seating arrangement was circulated. Uprooted from my cozy place…where I could spend my free time browsing my favourite Sites …catching up with friends etc, now I sit (uncomfortably) with my computer screen clearly visible to the prying eyes of passersby. Review presentation over. Was something of a task…..describing the value addition in me (where there had been none) and giving details of the (managerial) activities I’d been involved in during the past year ( where all I’d done was donkey’s work). Another bit of news, that made my day, was when I got to know that my friend is expecting. The one who was with me in school centuries ago… God!! How fast time flies. Nothing very great happening on the personal front. Guess that sums it up. Now coming back to where I s...
Hope the world is as beautiful as can be for all those who are happy...want to be happy...or trying to be happy...Coz....Life's too Short..!!!